Broken no more
I woke up feeling heavy, groggy and uneasy.And I knew,this meant, that it's time for me to write. I am not a writer per se, but I am in a way.I write only for myself. My mind races..races like a the thoughts are in a Derby race of their own and the one that wins,is the one that comes out on paper. Usually my thoughts are absurd,random,confusing, metaphorical... That's why they make sense.But it's a long process before the sense part actually comes in. A process that me and my partners in crime(pencil and paper), explore for hours and hours or sometimes days together. So just like my usual Derby days, I set out to let my winning thought take it's shape through words. Those words that I love to scribble onto my favorite diary with my favorite pencil. Every time I sit down to write, I spend a few seconds feeling happy about my diary..the fragrance of paper,the smoothness of the sheets and the symmetrical lines...I love it! ...